Pacaya is one of three active volcanoes in Guatemala. While the hike is relatively short, it is a good idea to prepare for the hike in advance. Here is my  tips for visiting Pacaya Volcano.

Start your hike early.

Regardless whether you are going with the tour, private  driver or drive on your own, plan to start your hike early. IF you are planning to hire a driver, make sure to insist on leaving no later than 6.30 am from Guatemala City or Antigua. My driver suggested leaving Antigua 9 am, I started the hike around 10.30 am as a result was hiking under the full sun.

Tips for visiting Pacaya Volcano

Bring rain jacket

The weather in the area changes often, especially during rain season. If you are traveling during the rain season, pack light ran jacket.

Wear hiking shoes

While the trail is well-defined and easy, it can get very muddy. So, it is a good idea to wear hiking shoes or sneakers that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Read more:

How to hike Pacaya Volcano

Tips for visiting Pacaya Volcano

Tips for visiting Pacaya Volcano

Bring drinking water

The hike is short, but it can get very hot. So, make sure to carry enough water to stay hydrated during your hike.

Bring sunscreen

Again, obvious, but I always forget the sunscreen.


Do not hike above the sign.

There is the sign at the plato that prohibit passing and hiking higher to the crater. Pacaya is an active volcano that erupted in 2010 killing 3 people. While eruptions can be predicted nowadays, it is still a good idea to view the volcano from the plato point and do not hike to the crater.


Final thoughts.

Pacaya volcano hike is relatively easy, enjoyable hike.  I really enjoyed the hike. Hope the tips from this post will be helpful for planning you Pacaya volcano hike.