No-waste cooking: Pineapple peels iced tea recipe

No-waste cooking: Pineapple peels iced tea recipe

No-waste cooking: Pineapple peels iced tea recipe

This pineapple peels iced tea recipe isn’t just a recipe, it’s a little ritual I enjoy every time I have pineapple peels. This drink is super easy to make and tastes like a sip of sunshine on a hot day. Plus, it’s a great way to use up the whole pineapple and get some extra vitamins in my day.

Pineapple peels iced tea recipe Benefits:

  • Good for You: This iced tea is packed with vitamins from the pineapple peels, so it’s not just refreshing – it’s good for you too!
  • Less Waste: By using up the pineapple peels, I’m not wasting any part of the fruit. It feels good to be a bit more eco-friendly.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Tastes Like Vacation: Sipping on this pineapple peel iced tea is like taking a mini vacation. It’s so refreshing and tropical – just what I need to cool down on a hot day.
  • Make It Yours: Sometimes I get creative and add other fruits or herbs to mix things up. It’s fun to experiment and find new flavor combinations I love.


  • Doing My Bit: Using up the pineapple peels might seem small, but every little bit helps when it comes to reducing waste. It’s nice to know I’m doing something good for the planet, even if it’s just making a tasty drink.
  • Feels Right: Living a little more sustainably just feels right. It’s a small change that makes a big difference – both for me and the environment.

Pineapple peels ice tea recipe


  • Peels from 1 large pineapple
  • 4 cups water
  • 2-3 tablespoons honey or sweetener of your choice (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh pineapple wedges and mint leaves for garnish (optional)
Pineapple peels iced tea recipe
Pineapple peels iced tea recipe


  1. Prepare the Pineapple Peels: Thoroughly wash the pineapple and remove the outer peel, making sure to remove any eyes or tough parts. Cut the pineapple peel into smaller pieces.
  2. Boil the Pineapple Peels: In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the pineapple peels to the boiling water.
  3. Simmer: Reduce the heat to low and let the pineapple peels simmer in the water for about 15-20 minutes. This allows the flavors from the peels to infuse into the water.
  4. Sweeten (Optional): If desired, add honey or your preferred sweetener to the simmering liquid. Stir until the sweetener is completely dissolved. Adjust the sweetness to your taste.
  5. Strain: After simmering, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the pineapple peel-infused liquid cool slightly. Then, strain the liquid through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a pitcher to remove the pineapple peels. Discard the peels.
  6. Chill: Place the pitcher of pineapple peel-infused liquid in the refrigerator to chill for at least 1-2 hours, or until thoroughly chilled.
  7. Serve: Once chilled, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the pineapple peel iced tea over the ice. Garnish each glass with a fresh pineapple wedge and mint leaves, if desired.
  8. Enjoy: Serve and enjoy your refreshing pineapple peel iced tea on a hot day!

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