Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route day by day

Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route day by day

Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route day by day

This is a digitized collection of my personal notes from Mount Kilimanjaro climb in 2011 via Lemosho trail. The notes were written on the trek, in the airports on the way to Tanzania and back and after climb in Rochester, NY. Here is the story of my Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route day by day

Hope my notes will help you to get a better idea of what to expect from Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho trail.


Day 1: Longorossi Gate – Mti Mkubwa (Big Tree Camp)

Kilimajaro Climb day 1

We started our first day from a short brief in the hotel in Moshi where majority of the group stayed overnight. Several people had to rent sleeping bags and parkas. Hotel offered gear rental at relatively low price; I don’t remember the exact price, but it was no more than couple bucks per item per day.  Read More

Day 2: Big Tree Camp – Shira 1 Camp (“Kibo View Day”)


We started our 5-mile climb to Shira Hut 1 around 9am. First hour or so we hiked in the rainforest, the trail became much steeper as it got more exposed, the vegetation changed completely. Read More

Day 3: Shira 1 Camp – Shira Huts (The Best Breakfast Day)

Day 3, Lemosho route, Kilimanjaro view

We continued our hike to Shira Hut 2, the vegetation was very similar to the previous day, the only change was Spanish moss, a lot of it everywhere. Some people in the group started feeling the altitude at around 12,000 ft.  Read More

Day 4: Shira Huts – Barranco Camp (Lava Towers Day)


The weather was sunny, but cold and windy in the morning. By noon it became cloudy and started sprinkling, snow cap of Kili was not visible anymore. It was very mentally and physically challenging day. Read More

Day 5: Barranco Camp – Karanga camp (Barranco Wall Day)

KIlimanjaro climb day 5

This was my favorite day!! After the partial breakdown the night before, I was feeling great mentally and physically, all ready to go and summit this mountain in two days.  Read More

Day 6: Karanga Camp – Barafu Camp (Pole-pole Day)

Kilimanjaro climb, day 6

I woke up feeling good. Some light head ache, but in general completely normal. We started our relatively short 4-hour hike later than usual. There was almost no vegetation except for little bushes and tiny flowers, we were in high alpine zone. The views were spectacular. Read More

Day 7: Barafu Camp – Uhuru Peak

Kilimanjaro climb, day 7

Around 10 pm our guide walked around out tents gently waking us up. I doubt there was a single person in our group who was sleeping. 10.30 pm the entire group gathered near the dining tent for tea and biscuits. Read More.

Day 7: Uhuru Peak – Mweka Camp

kilimanjaro climb, day 7

The highlight of descent was scree skiing or “sceeing”(my new word). My next trek’s favorite after Banaco wall climb (the summit not included, of course). Read More

Day 8: Mweka Camp – Mweka Gate (Shower Day)

Kilimanjaro climb day 8 descent

After breakfast we started our last hike to the Mweka trail gate where the minivans were waiting for us. Majority of the trail went through magical rain forest; tree branches were covered by Spanish moss; it looked very peaceful and untouched.  Read More.

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