Morocco’s Roman Heritage: How to plan A Day Trip to Volubilis from Fes

Morocco’s Roman Heritage: How to plan A Day Trip to Volubilis from Fes

Morocco’s Roman Heritage: How to plan A Day Trip to Volubilis from Fes

Volubilis is an ancient Roman city located near the city of Meknes in Morocco; you can easily visit Volubilis from Fes. The Roman city was founded in the 3rd century BC and later became the capital of the Roman province of Mauretania Tingitana.

The ruins of the city are remarkably well-preserved, with impressive structures such as the Capitol, the Basilica, and the Triumphal Arch still standing. You can wander through the ancient streets, admire the mosaics and frescoes that decorate the houses, and imagine what life was like in this bustling city. Here is how to Plan a Day trip from Fes to Volubilis.

Volubilis from Fes

History of Volubilis

Volubilis was a Roman city located in present-day Morocco, near the city of Meknes. It was founded in the 3rd century BC and became an important city during the Roman Empire. The city was known for its fertile agricultural lands, which produced grain and olives, and it served as an important center for trade in the region. Over time, the city grew and developed into a bustling urban center with impressive public buildings, such as the basilica, triumphal arch, and the Capitoline Temple. The city was also known for its beautiful mosaics, many of which can still be seen today. The decline of the city began in the 3rd century AD, as Roman influence waned and the city was eventually abandoned. Today, Volubilis is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best-preserved Roman ruins in North Africa.

Volubilis from Fes

Volubilis discovery

Volubilis, located in northern Morocco, was discovered in the early 20th century by French archaeologists who began excavating the site in 1915. The first archaeological work was conducted by French scholar Henri Espérandieu and then continued by his successors until the 1950s. The excavation of Volubilis has revealed a great deal about the history and culture of the region, including the Roman occupation of North Africa.

Volubilis from Fes

How to Plan a Day trip to Volubilis from Fes

How to get to Volubilis from Fes

Volubilis is located about 30 miles (48 km) north of Fes. It can be reached by car or public transportation. The most convenient way to get there is by hiring a private driver or taking a taxi. The taxi takes about an hour and a half.

Another option is to take a grand taxi from the Batha bus station in Fes to Moulay Idriss Zerhoun. Then you need to take another grand taxi to Volubilis. This option can take up to 2 hours, but it is a more budget-friendly option. Alternatively, there are several tour companies that offer day trips to Volubilis from Fes. Those can include transportation, a guide, and entrance fees.

Volubilis tickets

The tickets to visit Volubilis can be purchased at the entrance of the archaeological site. The ticket price for foreigners is 70 Moroccan dirhams, which is equivalent to approximately 8 U.S. dollars. However, the ticket price for Moroccan citizens and residents is only 20 Moroccan dirhams (less than 2 U.S. dollars). Payment is usually in cash, and credit cards are not accepted, so it’s best to have enough cash on hand.

How much time to spend in Volubilis during your visit from Fes

The amount of time you should spend in Volubilis can vary depending on your interests and pace. Generally, a visit of about 2-3 hours is enough to explore the site and see the major highlights. This should allow you to walk around the well-preserved ruins. In addition, you can also take in the beautiful mosaics, and visit the impressive Triumphal Arch and Capitol.

Explore Volubilis yourself of hire a guide: You can get on a guided trip to Volubilis from Fes

If you enjoy exploring at your own pace, exploring Volubilis on your own can be a great option.

You can take your time to wander through the ruins. Also, you can read information signs, and imagine what life was like during the Roman Empire.

There are usually guides available for hire at the entrance of the site. They can provide a more in-depth and informative tour of the ancient city.

Hiring a private guide can be a good option if you want to learn more about the history. Or, a significance of the site, and have a more personalized experience. Prices for private guides can vary. You you can expect to pay around 200-300 MAD (20-30 USD) per hour for a knowledgeable and experienced guide.

Places to see in Volubilis: How to visit Volubilis from Fes

Arch of Caracalla

This arch is one of the most iconic structures in Volubilis. It was built to commemorate the Emperor Caracalla’s victory over the Berber tribes in 217 AD. The arch features detailed carvings of soldiers, chariots, and animals.

Capitoline Temple

The Capitoline Temple is one of the largest temples in Volubilis. The Temple was dedicated to the three major Roman gods: Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. The temple features massive columns and intricate carvings.

Volubilis from Fes


The Basilica was the administrative center of Volubilis. It was used for conducting legal and commercial affairs. The basilica features a central nave with two side aisles and an apse at one end.

House of Orpheus

The House of Orpheus is one of the most well-preserved houses in Volubilis. It features beautiful mosaics depicting scenes from Greek mythology, including the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.

House of the Ephebus

This is another well-preserved house in Volubilis. It features intricate mosaics depicting scenes from daily life, including fishing and hunting.

Volubilis from Fes
House of the Ephebus floor – Visit Volubilis from Fes

Thermal Baths

The Thermal Baths were a popular gathering spot for the residents of Volubilis. Baths feature a series of hot and cold baths, as well as a sauna and massage room.


The Forum was the central public square in Volubilis. Forum was used for public gatherings and events, and features a number of temples and public buildings.

Volubilis from Fes

Triangular Forum

The Triangular Forum is a smaller public square located near the Capitolium. It features a series of small shops and buildings.

House of the Athlete

The House of the Athlete is a well-preserved house in Volubilis. It features beautiful mosaics depicting scenes from athletic competitions, including running and discus throwing.

Overall, Volubilis is a great day trip from Fes. It offers a unique glimpse into Morocco’s rich history and cultural heritage, with well-preserved ancient ruins and beautiful mosaics. The journey from Fes to Volubilis is also scenic, passing through beautiful countryside and small towns. A visit to Volubilis is a must-do for anyone interested in history, archaeology, or simply experiencing the beauty of Morocco beyond its bustling cities.


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