Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Elevation: 11,420 ft to 12,630 ft

Distance: 6.8 miles

Hiking Time: 6 hrs

Shira 1 Camp – Shira Huts (The Best Breakfast Day)

Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Best Breakfast

Our cook, Rafiki, made pancakes and omelet for us. Can you imagine hot made from scratch pancakes and omelet breakfast served for you on the mountain? When we camp here, in California, our breakfast usually consists of cereal for kids and cold cuts sandwiches and boiled eggs for adults.

Morning tea, Day 3 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route.
Morning tea, Shira Hut 1, Lemosho route.

Hike to Shira Hut 2

We continued our hike to Shira Hut 2, the vegetation was very similar to the previous day, the only change was Spanish moss, a lot of it everywhere. Some people in the group started feeling the altitude at around 12,000 ft.  It was very cloudy the entire day as we continued our journey on Shira Plato.  Our highest point on the trail was 13,400 ft.  The hike took about 6 hours, we did not stop for lunch. I was very tired and fall asleep shortly after we got to the camp. I started feeling the altitude.

kili view, Day 3 Kilimnjaro climb via Lemosho route
Day 3, on the way to Shira Huts, Kilimanjaro View

Altitude sickness

I lost the appetite and was surviving primarily on gummy bears the rest of the day. Yes, you read it correctly, gummy bears. At some point on the trail you will start feeling the altitude and this will be the time when you will most likely skip dinner or breakfast. You will want the food that you really like. For me, it is gummy bears.  So, pack your favorite snack, it does not have be healthy and nutritious, it should simply be the snack that you like.

Shira Huts new toilet (no running water, no toilet paper)
Shira Huts new toilet (no running water, no toilet paper)


I started taking Diamox and regretted that I did not start taking it two days prior. I woke up around 8 pm, just in time for evening tea, but I didn’t feel like drinking tea also. So, I took Tylenol PM and fall asleep again but had to get up and go to the restroom twice during the night, I started feeling those Diamox side effects that pharmacist told me about. It was very challenging day (and night) for me.

Read More:

Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 4 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route


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