Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Elevation: 9,495 ft to 11,420 ft

Distance: 5.1 miles

Hiking Time: 5.5 hrs

Big Tree Camp – Shira 1 Camp (“Kibo View Day”)


Kilimanjaro names

Our guides used “Kili”, Kibo”, “Uhuru” and “Kilimanjaro” names interchangeably, but those names have different meanings. The mountain consists of three volcanic cones, “Kibo” is the name of the tallest cones, “Kili” is just short name for Kilimanjaro and “Uhuru” is Swahili name for highest point of Kibo. Confused? I was too.

After breakfast, we picked up out water bottles and camelbacks filled with very yellow filtered creek water. Our porters and guides used MSR water filters. MSR filters are very reliable, many of my hiking friend use those filter on their multi-day adventures, so I had no doubt that the water was filtered. I observed filtering process myself, but, oh, boy, this water did not look drinkable to me .

On the way to Shira Hut 1, Lemosho trail, Kilimanjaro

So, yes, depending on the season, your filtered water might look nasty, but it is going to be your new reality for the next 5-7 days depending on the trail. You will need to stay hydrated, so you must accept the fact and learn how to drink this water. The taste was ok though, it had a little aftertaste but overall very acceptable. I used water taste enhancers for first couple of days it helped.

Flower, Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho trail

Day 2 Hike

We started our 5-mile climb to Shira Hut 1 around 9 am. First hour or so we hiked in the rain forest, the trail became much steeper as it got more exposed, the vegetation changed completely.

Kili view, Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho trail
Lunch at 10,000 ft, Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho trail

Half way through the hike, at around 10,000 ft we stopped for lunch, the table was already served. We had spaghetti with meat sauce and traditional ginger tea with biscuits. Great lunch with amazing views.

Accent to Shira Plato

The hike continued after lunch with its gradual accent, the vegetation changed again, and we were hiking on volcanic rocks. The trail then descended onto Shira Plato and the snow cap of Kilimanjaro showed itself, it was the first view of the mountain on the trail and it was breathtaking.

Shira Plato Kili view, Day 2 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho trail
First view of Kilimanjaro on the trek, Shira Plato, Lemosho route

Read More:

Day 1 Kilimanjaro Climb via Lemosho route

Day 3 Kilimanjaro Climb via Lemosho route


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