My Travel guide to Iceland’s Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: My Best things to see and do.

My Travel guide to Iceland’s Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: My Best things to see and do.

My Travel guide to Iceland’s Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: My Best things to see and do.

Here are the best things to do in Jökulsárlón. Situated in southeastern Iceland, Jökulsárlón is a stunning glacial lagoon that captivates visitors with its natural beauty. Known as Iceland’s deepest and most magnificent glacial lake, it attracts tourists, photographers, and adventurers from around the world. Whether you’re looking to explore the serene icebergs floating on the water, take a boat tour, or capture breathtaking photographs, Jökulsárlón offers a unique and unforgettable experience for all who visit.

About Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon

Just a century ago, this frozen place was entirely covered in ice. However, the onset of global warming in the beginning of the last century triggered the gradual melting of the edges of the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier. Translated from Icelandic, “Jökulsárlón” means “glacier river lagoon,” perfectly describing this mesmerizing natural wonder.

Located within Vatnajökull National Park, Jökulsárlón has cemented its status as one of Iceland’s top attractions, attracting visitors from across the globe to witness its breathtaking beauty.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón
Must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón- Diamond Beach

How Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon was formed?

Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon was formed over time as the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier slowly retreated. As the glacier moved back, it left behind a large depression in the land. This depression gradually filled with water from the melting ice, forming the expansive lagoon we see today.

Over the years, as more ice melted and broke off from the glacier’s edge, the lagoon grew larger and deeper. The constant movement of the glacier and the melting icebergs create a dynamic landscape, with new ice formations constantly appearing and changing.

The striking blue color of the lagoon’s water is a result of the dense ice, which traps air bubbles. When sunlight hits these bubbles, it scatters in a way that gives the water its vibrant hue.

Jökulsárlón is not only a breathtaking sight but also an important research site. Scientists study the lagoon to better understand the effects of climate change on glaciers and their surrounding environments, making it a place of both natural wonder and scientific discovery.

Must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón – How to get to Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon?

Getting to Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon can be done in a few different ways. If you’re starting from Reykjavik, there are buses available that can take you directly to the lagoon. However, this journey can be quite long, often taking several hours.

Another option is to drive from Reykjavik, which allows you to enjoy the flexibility of your own schedule and the freedom to explore other sights along the way. The drive typically takes around 4 to 5 hours, depending on road conditions and stops.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón
Must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón- Diamond Beach

If you’re coming from Vík, it’s a shorter journey of about two hours by car. This route also offers stunning scenery along the way, including the famous black sand beaches of Reynisfjara.

Renting a car and driving yourself is the best option for visiting Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in my opinion. That’s what we did and I would recommend it. It gives you the freedom to travel at your own pace and make stops at other points of interest along the route. Plus, the scenic drive itself is part of the experience, with breathtaking landscapes unfolding at every turn.

Best time to visit Jökulsárlón Glacier lagoon: Best things to do in Jökulsárlón.

The best time to visit Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon depends on what you’re looking to experience, as each season offers its own unique charm.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón
Must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón- Diamond Beach


In spring, typically from March to May, you can witness the landscape coming alive with vibrant colors as the surrounding vegetation begins to bloom. The weather is milder, and the days are getting longer, making it a great time for outdoor activities and photography.


Summer, from June to August, is the peak tourist season in Iceland. During this time, the weather is usually the warmest, and the days are longest, allowing for extended exploration of the area. You’ll have more opportunities for boat tours on the lagoon and can enjoy the midnight sun, with daylight lasting almost around the clock.


Autumn, from September to November, brings stunning foliage as the leaves change colors, creating a picturesque backdrop for your visit. The crowds tend to thin out compared to the summer months, making it a quieter time to enjoy the scenery.


In winter, from December to February, the landscape transforms into a winter wonderland, with snow-capped mountains and icebergs adorning the lagoon. While the weather can be colder and the days shorter, the views are often considered the most majestic during this time. You may also have the chance to witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights dancing across the night sky. We visited Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in December as a day trip from Vik and it looked majestic!

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón
Diamond Beach

The best time to visit Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon depends on your preferences and what you hope to experience. Whether you’re drawn to the lush greenery of spring, the endless daylight of summer, the colorful foliage of autumn, or the snowy landscapes of winter, each season offers its own enchanting beauty at this iconic Icelandic destination.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón

Boat Tour

Take a boat tour on the lagoon to get up close to the icebergs and experience the stunning beauty of the glacier from the water. These tours offer unique perspectives and allow you to see the ice formations from different angles.

Diamond Beach

Located nearby, Diamond Beach is where the icebergs from Jökulsárlón wash up on the black sand shore, creating a striking contrast. Stroll along the beach and admire the glittering ice sculptures, which resemble diamonds in the sunlight.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón
Best things to do in Jökulsárlón – Diamond Beach

Glacier Hike

Join a guided glacier hike on nearby glaciers, such as Vatnajökull, to explore the icy landscapes up close. Experienced guides will lead you safely across the glacier’s surface while providing insights into the region’s geology and natural history.


Jökulsárlón is a paradise for photographers, offering endless opportunities to capture stunning landscapes, dramatic ice formations, and the ever-changing light. Whether you’re an amateur or a professional photographer, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here.

must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón
Best things to do in Jökulsárlón- Glacier Lagoon

Northern Lights Viewing

If you’re visiting during the winter months, be sure to keep an eye out for the Northern Lights. Jökulsárlón’s remote location away from city lights makes it an ideal spot for witnessing this natural phenomenon on clear nights.

Wildlife Watching

Keep an eye out for wildlife in and around the lagoon, including seals, seabirds, and occasionally even whales. Binoculars can enhance your viewing experience, allowing you to spot wildlife from a distance.

Visitor Center

Visit the Jökulsárlón Visitor Center to learn more about the glacier lagoon’s formation, geology, and environmental significance. Interactive exhibits and informative displays provide insights into the region’s natural wonders.

Ice Cave Tour

You can also get on an ice cave tour that departs from Jökulsárlón, offering a thrilling adventure into the heart of Iceland’s glaciers. These guided tours take you deep inside crystal-blue ice caves, where you can marvel at the stunning ice formations and learn about the glacier’s unique features from knowledgeable guides. It’s an unforgettable experience that provides a glimpse into the hidden wonders of Iceland’s frozen landscapes.

Jökulsárlón, located in southeastern Iceland, is a breathtaking glacial lagoon that offers visitors a stunning display of natural beauty. Here are some must-see places and activities in Jökulsárlón. Jökulsárlón, Iceland’s deepest and most stunning glacial lake, holds a special allure for tourists, photographers, and adventurers.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón: Our Experience

We drove from Vik to Jökulsárlón, hoping to catch the sunrise, which was surprisingly late at 11:02 am in December. Leaving Vik at 8 am, we planned to reach Jökulsárlón before sunrise. However, we couldn’t resist stopping at Kirkjubæjarklaustur to see the sunrise over the canyon, adding about an hour to our trip.

When we arrived at Jökulsárlón, the sun was already up, but daylight in Iceland during winter is short, lasting only a few hours around noon. Still, we arrived just in time to see the sun rise above the horizon. We started at Diamond Beach, spending about 30 minutes exploring the icy formations and taking photos.

Best things to do in Jökulsárlón -Diamond Beach
Best things to do in Jökulsárlón – Diamond Beach

Afterward, we crossed the bridge to the glacier lagoon, spending about an hour walking around and enjoying the stunning views. The highlight of our visit was an ice cave tour from Jökulsárlón to Breiðamerkurjökull, which took almost three hours, including travel time.

By the time we got back to Jökulsárlón it was already dark, so we headed back to Vik, with our visit to the glacier lagoon standing out as the highlight of our winter trip in Iceland.


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