How to spend 2 days in Guadalajara – My best things to see and do.

How to spend 2 days in Guadalajara – My best things to see and do.


Guadalajara is my favorite city in Mexico. Imagine the all the Mexico City charm including murals, markets, museums, great food and even pyramids, but no tourist crowds. That’s how Guadalajara looks like. Being the second largest city in Mexico, Guadalajara is super relaxed and enjoyable place to spend couple of days or even a week. It is one of the most underrated Mexican destination. Here is how to spend  2 days in Guadalajara.

2 days in guadalajara, city center

Night stroll around the center

With all the buildings, fountains and colorful lighting, Guadalajara center is beautiful after dark. Despite the friends suggestions, I decided to stay in hotel right in the city center and I’m glad I did.

I got to the hotel late evening, dropped the luggage, and went outside. I walked around Plaza de Liberacion, took tons of pictures of the fountain and Teatro Degollado and headed to see Palacio Municipal de Guadalajara lighting.   Here is how Guanalajara city center looks at night? Isn’t it beautiful?


Teatro Degollado

GUadalajara at night, How to spend 48 hours in Guadalajara
Guadalajara Palace

I walked around for about an hour or so and got back to hotel to continue  my adventure next day

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Day 1 – Guadalajara Historic Center

Eggs-cactus breakfast.

That’s what I call  breakfast of champions similar to Nicaraguan “Desayuno Nica”. I decided to have breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant and it did not disappoint. There’s something special about the combination of grilled nopal served with cheese and fried eggs on the top. Have you ever tried grilled cactus? If not , give it a try, it tastes amazing.

eggs with cactus breakfast, how to spend 48 hours in Guadalajara

Visit cathedral

Cathedral is one the must-see places in Guadalajara. The original church built in the middle of 16th century was destroyed by fire about 30 years after the construction was completed. It was rebuilt later in 1618, but  part of the building was destroyed again by earthquake. Guatemala Cathedral as we see it now was rebuilt in 19th century. Due to many reconstructions  cathedral has  very interesting and unique mix of styles. It is one the most beautiful churches I have seen in Mexico. I just could not get my eyes of the yellow dome.

Guadalajara cathedral, how spend 48 hours in Guadalajara
Guadalajara cathedral, how spend 48 hours in Guadalajara

The best place to photograph the dome is from the  balcony  that is part of the museum of Sacred Art.

Guadalajara cathedral dome, how spend 48 hours in Guadalajara

Museum of Sacred Art.

The museum was not on my list of top things to see in Guadalajara. As I was standing in the the middle of Plaza de Armos and looking at the beautiful yellow dome of Guadalajara Cathedral, I noticed the balcony.  Apparently the balcony was part of the Museum of Sacred Art. The museum  was super cheap, less than 2$ , so I decided to pay and go straight to the balcony, but I ended up spending almost an hour there. Museum has an amazing collection of Baroque art and religious painting. While I am neither religious nor a fan of Baroque art, I really enjoyed the museum and strongly suggest to visit.

Plaza de Armos

Plaza de Armos is the best place to photograph Guadalajara Cathedral. This place is beautiful during the day and  lively at night. I spent some time on the plaza enjoying the view of the cathedral and watching little kids feeding the pigeons and headed to see the murals.

Guadalajara , 2 days

See Orozco mural in Government Palace

Palacio de Gobierno is another must see place in Guadalajara. There are several Orozcp murals in Government palace, but I was able to see only one because other areas were closed. “The people and their leader” is a popular mural featuring Higalgo, Mexican independence hero. The mural located over the main staircase. It looks and feels supere powerful especially when you are going up the stars and looking above your head.

Orozco murals, how to spnd 48 hours in Guadalajara

“The people and their leader” mural.

Guadalajara Govenment palace, how to spend 48 hours in Guadalajara

Did you know that Orozco lived and worked in US for almost a decade?

Orozco was struggling financially during his early year, so he moved to United Stated and spend almost 10 years in the country working on inside murals for colleges and private schools. His first mural painted in US located is in Pomona College, in Claremont, California.

Visit Mercado San Juan de Dios (or not)

Meet me at the public market. If there is a public market in the area you will see me there. I visited markets In EuropeMexicoCentral America and other parts of the world. I got inside the market and it was a first time in my life I found it totally overwhelming to the point where I wanted to leave. This never happened to me in the past Mercado San Juan de Dios is huge . It is the largest market in Mexico and Latin America. So, if you are not a big fan of very crowded, loud, large markets, just pass on.

Guadalajara’s Hospicio Cabañas

As I got closer to Hospicio Cabañas I saw many unique bronze figures installed on the plaza in front of the museum. Those fantastical creatures in form of benches and chairs surround the entire plaza. The sculptures created by famous Mexican artist, Alejandro Colunga.


I got my traditional espresso at Black Coffee Gallery inside the Hospicio Cabañas. I didn’t expect much from Museum coffee shop, but coffee was great.


Orozco murals.

Famous “Man of Fire” mural was created by Orizco in 1939. This mural is truly amazing art work featuring the man rising up through the fire surrounded by two other men. As you walk around the circle looking up to the ceiling, it the painting rotates with you. I spent some time admiring the murals and headed back to the Plaza Guadalajara.

Man of fire, Guadalajara

Late night dinner and drink at Plaza Guadalajara

Plaza Guadalajara is the best place for people watching Saturday evening. Families get together for dinner, kids playing just outside of the restaurant, a local band was playing in the restaurants and the place looked exactly how I expect Mexico to look and feel many years ago back in Ukraine.

After a day of walking around the city historical center I was ready to relax. So, I grabbed a drink and spend almost an hour there enjoying the atmosphere.


Day 2 –  Tlaquepaque

Talquepeque is a small town located south from the city center that lately became park of Guadalajara city . The town was famous for its pottery, unique crafts and Los Voladores de Papantla, air flying dancer. So, the poles are still installed in the town center, but the dancers stopped performing there a while ago.  Local vendors said they haven’t see voladores for several years. I spend some time walking around city center, bought tons of sweet and some souvenirs, tried refreshing tejuino and had delicious dinner.


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Top things to do in Tlaquepaque

Final thoughts.

Here you have it, the list of top things to see and do in Guadalajara, a perfect two days itinerary for your visit. I spent just 48 hours in Guadalajara, but I definitely will be back to spend more time in the city.


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