Day 7 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 7 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 7 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Elevation: 15,330 ft – 19.341 ft

 Distance: approximately 3 miles 

Hiking Time: 8 hrs

 Barafu Camp – Uhuru Peak

Day 7 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

  Around 10 pm our guide walked around out tents gently waking us up. I doubt there was a single person in our group who was sleeping. 10.30 pm the entire group gathered near the dining tent for tea and biscuits. We were ready for a summit attempt. It was cold and very windy, but sky was clear with a lot of stars, so at least the weather was cooperating. We started our climb 11 pm. 9 guides went up to the summit with us. It was short but very steep zigzag frozen scree trail with over 4,000 ft elevation gain.

The only picture of Stella point I have, Kilimanjaro

You will feel restless and tired, that is expected. Most likely you won’t be able to fall asleep, but it is important to know that you will be able to make it, just keep breezing and pushing, step by step closer to the summit.

On the way to Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro

Our group was going very slow, much slower compared to the previous days, but we had constant pace. Our amazing guides were singing songs for us in Swahili. Several groups passed us on the way up, later we passed some of them. Constant slow pace is a key for this part of the climb.

View of Uhuru peak from the trail before sunrise, Kilimanjaro

First tea break

It got progressively colder as our climb continued. Around 1am we had a short tea break and continued our way to Stella point. Several people preferred to go a little bit faster and our group separated into two; one of the guides continued with our small group taking a little bit faster pace. This pace change was like a wake-up call for me, I felt more energized.

View of glacier on Kilimanjaro before sunrise

Everyone’s different, but if the groups pace is way to slow for you, speak up. I’m sure there will be couple of people in your group that will feel the same. On the way down, I talked to our guide, Yusuf, about separating groups and he told me that it is a very common practice; during summit attempt majority of the groups split into two, three and sometimes even more smaller groups depending on the pace. Each group will have a guide or guide helper climbing with the group.

Sunrise over Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro

Second tea break

Around 3 am we stopped for another short break. I was very cold, I was wearing 4 layers and still felt cold. I had to put on my down vest on under my down jacket. I’m glad I had it in my backpack. We got to the Stella point at dawn.  All the way to the Stella point our guide was encouraging and supporting us, he also told us that from Stella point it just “a short climb to the summit”. It is a short climb, indeed; just about .6-mile 600 feet elevation gain. I assure you, this gradual “short climb” will be the longest in your life. We had a short break at Stella point and continued our way to the Uhuru peak.

Uhuru peak

It took about 1.5 hrs to get to Uhuru peak. It was very painful push both physically and mentally.

On the top of Africa, Kilimanjaro Uhuru peak.

We reached Uhuru peak 6.35 am, just in time for sunrise at 6.38 am. 13 out of 14 people summited. Isn’t it a great success rate?

Group Picture  on Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro
Group Picture on Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro

3 hours later, at Barafu camp, Rick ask every climber what they think about the climb and recorded it. Here is what I said: “This is great, so great. Honestly, I thought it would be easier. I will do it again! “. Still agree 100% with every word. That was the hardest thing I’ve done in my life.

Glacier near Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro
Glacier near Uhuru peak, Kilimanjaro

P.S. Two of my friends had birthdays during my Kili climb, so I made two posters and carried those to the top of Africa to say Happy Birthday my special way.


Also, the friend’s friend had a stroke a week before my climb and was recovering in the hospital. Here is “get better” picture for him.


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Day 6 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route

Day 8 Kilimanjaro climb via Lemosho route – descent


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